south park

Will Faught

October 2015

Yelp Sues South Park For $10 Million Over Latest Episode

South Park doing what South Park does best. I would worry about it losing its edge if they weren’t getting sued. Also, WTF? Before being listed on Yelp we had no problem going around the country speaking to elementary school children about the dangers and consequences of masturbation. Now, with our poor reviews on Yelp, people are beginning to question our morals and ethics, like that is so important. Just because I have been arrested three times for public masturbation and each case was pardoned by the Governor, doesn’t mean our federal funding and government support had anything to do with it.

south park yelp

Will Faught

1 minute

November 2008

Obama Wins!

My apartment has a TV and cable, so I was able to watch the CNN and Daily Show coverage on Election Day. I had to watch it by myself, but I talked with Mom on the phone between McCain’s concession speech and Obama’s acceptance speech and talked with and texted Heather later in the night. I was so happy that Obama won! I couldn’t stop smiling. I was surprised at and pleased with how gracious McCain’s speech was, although I guess it’s no surprise he’d want to end on a good note, since he’ll have to work with Obama as a senator.

america cnn daily show election life mccain mom obama reflections south park

Will Faught

2 minutes

December 2007

Star Wars Forever Marred

Damn it! I was just sitting here, watching the end of Return of the Jedi on TV. You know, the party on Endor after the big climax where the music plays and they’re all dancing and hugging. They changed the ending! The music was much quieter and less energetic and they now have that dude who plays Anakin in Episodes 1-3 standing there as a ghost instead of the older version of himself.

anakin bad changed ending george lucas ghost life music reflections south park star wars

Will Faught

1 minute
