
Will Faught

March 2011

Focus Yourself

It took me several hours to figure out how to enable a Silverlight custom control to be “activated” by the space bar or enter keys like Button. It turns out when a control gets input events, it isn’t automatically given focus (i.e. OnGotFocus isn’t called). You have to call Focus() yourself. Hope this saves someone else some time.

silverlight technology

Will Faught

1 minute

Silverlight Inherited Properties

I was working on a Silverlight control template last night and wondered which dependency properties are inherited and which aren’t. It’s a good idea to bind those that aren’t in the template so the dependency properties for UIElement, FrameworkElement, and Control work as expected for your control. However, I couldn’t find a list of inherited dependency properties in the documentation or elsewhere online. I discovered a somewhat reliable way to determine such a list: Look at the documentation for counterparts in WPF.

silverlight technology

Will Faught

1 minute

Going With HTML Instead Of Silverlight

Compares HTML and Silverlight development by a variety of criteria, and concludes that HTML is a better long term bet. I’ve never seen it broken down like this before.

html silverlight technology

Will Faught

1 minute

September 2010

Python And Ruby In Silverlight

This just blew my mind. The DLR is the shit.

browsers dlr python ruby silverlight technology

Will Faught

1 minute
