
Will Faught

July 2016

Switching To Apple’s Two-Factor Authentication

Dan Moren, writing for Six Colors: Apple has, for a while now, offered two separate additional security measures to protect your Macs, iOS devices, and iCloud account, but thanks to some inexpert nomenclature, it can be a little difficult to tell them apart. I had no idea Apple added this. It’s easy to switch.

2fa apple icloud security verification

Will Faught

1 minute

June 2015

1Password Is Ready For John The Ripper

Time to crack 1Password passphrases by number of words in the passphrase: 3: 2 days, 17 hours 4: 58 years 5: 449,528 years 6: 3.5 billion years 7: 27 trillion years 1Password uses PBKDF2 to achieve this. They recommended four or five words per passphrase in 2013.

computing security

Will Faught

1 minute

Toward Better Master Passwords

I’ve been making my passwords all wrong. You can find Diceware here.

computing security

Will Faught

1 minute

August 2007

Let The Market Work Its Magic

Most computer users probably assume that their computers are secure. They don’t see the complexity and brittleness of the hardware, the operating system, the network, and the applications because it’s hidden under a pretty user interface with abstracted toy operations. They never considered evaluating security when purchasing software; they assumed it would just work. It’s understandable if they get upset when something goes wrong. It annoys me, however, when lawmakers see this and decide to fix the problem from their end.

computers innovation laws life reflections security

Will Faught

2 minutes
