
Will Faught

August 2016

The Republicans Waged A 3-Decade War On Government. They Got Trump.

Great bird’s-eye view of politics from a few decades ago through to the presidential election after this coming one. The Republican Party needs to get its shit together.

democrats donald trump hillary clinton politics republicans

Will Faught

1 minute

May 2015

Kudos To Rand Paul

For filibustering—for 13 hours!—the renewal of the NSA’s “authority” to spy on Americans.

politics rand paul

Will Faught

1 minute

June 2013

Erdogan On Twitter

Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan: There is now a menace which is called Twitter. The best examples of lies can be found there. To me, social media is the worst menace to society.


Will Faught

1 minute

April 2011

The Science Of Why We Don’t Believe Science

Fascinating. Ironically, this confirms what I thought about conservatives.

opinions politics science

Will Faught

1 minute

Cleaning Up The Mess

Kevin Drum: …I’d say it’s a well deserved flip of the bird. Republicans, as you can imagine, are less enthusiastic, and this bit of the speech undoubtedly accounts for most of the bile being tossed around on Fox and elsewhere today. But hey — sometimes the truth hurts. And all Obama did was speak the simple truth. In the past decade, Republicans slashed taxes, started two wars, approved a big unfunded entitlement, and presided over an economic collapse that cratered tax revenues and required massive government spending to counteract.


Will Faught

1 minute

May 2009


It’s amusing that Republican politicians throw around the word “liberal” like it’s a dirty word, an unthinkable state of affairs, rather than the counterpart to their own extremism on the opposite end of the political spectrum. As if the word itself makes their argument for them. They’re just so scandalized by it. I never hear the word “conservative” used this way.

conservative liberal life politicians politics reflections republicans

Will Faught

1 minute

January 2008

Giving Weight To Online Words

It seems to me that political debates nowadays are a waste of time. Two people come together to debate an issue and wind up either talking about different things or don’t address what the other person is saying, much less provide concrete support for their arguments. There’s just too many tricks to fudge your way out of really committing to something and sticking to it. I blame the dependence of our electoral process on audio/video media.

arguments debate discourse discussion elections ideas life online politics words

Will Faught

2 minutes
