
Will Faught

February 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ate another American breakfast and got a sandwich to go for lunch on the slow boat. Boarded at 8:30 AM and sat and waited for the stragglers to arrive. Departed around 9:30 AM. Sat with Aimee (from Austin, Texas) and we chatted for a while. I also read and listened to a couple podcasts and some music. The scenery was again very beautiful. This time my seat was much more cramped, but still the time passed quickly enough.

laos luang prabang pakbeng travel

Will Faught

2 minutes

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No hot water for my shower, and there was a breeze from a fan when I turned on the shower light, so I skipped the shower except for a light rinse. Ate an American breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant. Shared a tuk tuk to the river boat pier at 9:30 AM. Boarded around 10 AM and sat waiting to depart for an hour or two as others trickled on board. Listened to podcasts the whole time and watched the beautiful landscape roll by.

huay xai laos pakbeng travel

Will Faught

1 minute
