
Will Faught

October 2015

Netflix And Chill

Just heard about this for the first time.

chill meme netflix

Will Faught

1 minute

February 2011

Apple, Netflix, And Nintendo

It’s kinda crazy how high Apple’s stock is right now (currently $339). I wish I had invested more in it when it was only $90. I only considered buying their stock at the time because I believed in what they were doing, and didn’t really care about dividends or stock price fluctuations. I recently took stock of what I spend my money on and realized that Netflix is another company that I believe in, and would consider investing in without doing any research.

apple netflix nintendo stock technology world

Will Faught

2 minutes

September 2010

Owning Films

I was just looking at my film collection and realized that I never want to own another film. I’ll eventually sell off most of them, except for my favorites that I can watch a hundred times and still love. If I want to watch a film, I can just queue it on Netflix and have it within days. If I have the urge to watch a film immediately, I can rent it on iTunes or Amazon for just a few dollars and start watching it immediately.

amazon apple tv ipad iphone itunes kindle movies netflix technology

Will Faught

1 minute
