
Will Faught

September 2009

District 9

Just saw District 9 with Brian and Shay. It was great to see a sci-fi movie in the theaters (and I don’t mean the kind of sci-fi that Transformers is). Although there wasn’t much science in the movie. Still, fun to see aliens, and the parallels between how the humans treat the aliens and South Africa’s racial history were interesting to see. There were a few plot holes, I think, but it was still fun to watch.

district 9 life movie

Will Faught

1 minute

October 2008


I saw the movie Blindness this evening with Heather. The characters were believable, the pacing was good, the plot was somewhat unoriginal and obvious, and there were a couple great effects, although the whiteout effect is overused. It’s quite good overall. The main character annoyed me in the wards where she didn’t use her sight more to her advantage. How about just taking the gun from the leader when he’s not looking?

blindness life movie reflections review

Will Faught

2 minutes

June 2008

The Incredible Hulk

I saw The Incredible Hulk tonight and it was pretty much what I expected: light on story, heavy on action. The action scenes looked great, especially the scene on a campus. The end action scene looked too CGI-ish and I kept noticing it. I was looking forward to seeing another movie with Edward Norton in it since he’s usually good (Fight Club!), but he seemed kind of wasted on this movie.

domain names edward norton life movie reflections the incredible hulk

Will Faught

1 minute

Graduation Snuck Up On Me

I can’t believe graduation came and went already, it all happened so fast. I was so focused on my thesis work that I barely lifted my head to watch the date approach. It’s weird to go through the ceremony and celebrate with friends and family knowing that I’m not really done, that there’s more work to do. But I feel close, I think there’s only a few weeks left before I’m done.

graduation kung fu panda life michelle lee movie reflections

Will Faught

1 minute
