luang prabang

Will Faught

February 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Woke up earlier than I expected, at about 8:30 AM. Read my Laos guidebook about the northern area to plan where to go next. Decided to go to the Plain of Jars next, and then to the wild debauchery of Vang Vieng. Walked around town with my guidebook and saw all the temples that I had missed the day before. Met a couple novice monks, Joy and Sing, and talked with them for about an hour.

laos luang prabang travel

Will Faught

1 minute

Friday, February 10, 2012

My birthday! Let myself sleep in. Tried to call my parents, but the wifi wasn’t working. Walked into downtown and rented a bicycle for 10,000 kip. Rode around town looking at some temples. Stopped at a cafe for a Coke to cool off and use their wifi to call my parents and Tess. Continued riding around town and saw a a couple more temples. Returned the bicycle and ran into Matteo.

laos luang prabang travel

Will Faught

2 minutes

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rode a minibus with Aimee, Glenn, Nic, Sara, Dan, Sylvia, Michelle, and Ingo to the gorgeous Kuang Si waterfalls. Took lots of pictures, swam, swung on a rope and jumped off a small cliff into the icy blue water. Hiked up to all the different pools and falls. Got lost coming down the other side of the falls and ended up taking the long way back to the bottom of the falls.

laos luang prabang travel

Will Faught

1 minute

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ate another American breakfast and got a sandwich to go for lunch on the slow boat. Boarded at 8:30 AM and sat and waited for the stragglers to arrive. Departed around 9:30 AM. Sat with Aimee (from Austin, Texas) and we chatted for a while. I also read and listened to a couple podcasts and some music. The scenery was again very beautiful. This time my seat was much more cramped, but still the time passed quickly enough.

laos luang prabang pakbeng travel

Will Faught

2 minutes
