
Will Faught

April 2017

JavaScript Doesn’t Need Class

Ian Elliot: JavaScript is the single most important programming language and yet, as it reaches its high point, everyone is complaining about it and there are significant efforts to replace it with something better - Go, Dart, Coffeescript. Even the people who love it seem to misunderstand it because they want to add “class”. JavaScript doesn’t need class! And if you think it does you need to look more carefully at JavaScript.

javascript programming

Will Faught

1 minute

JavaScript Garden

Ivo Wetzel: JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes and subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices, that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavours into the depths of the language. Really good resource.

javascript programming

Will Faught

1 minute

The JavaScript Minefield

Jeff Walker: How is JavaScript a minefield? Well, JavaScript has all sorts of pitfalls lurking for the developer. Each pitfall is like a mine in the minefield, silently waiting for you to accidentally step on it. Just like the minefield, JavaScript’s mines are hidden in plain sight. Entire books have been written about all the mines present in JavaScript. Maybe I’ll get into what some of those are in future blog posts.

go javascript programming

Will Faught

1 minute

January 2016

Backdooring Your JavaScript Using Minifier Bugs

An interesting idea of exploiting bugs in code minifiers, inspired from compiler exploits.

javascript minifiers programming

Will Faught

1 minute

October 2015

Things I Learned At 2015

Thor Spieker, fellow Betable engineer, on his experience at JSConf 2015: First off, let me start by saying that this was my first conference ever, and also that I am not actually a front-end JavaScript developer. Day to day, I spend my time building back-end micro-services in GO for Betable, an online gambling platform. I only dabble in JavaScript when I need to work on our externally facing API, which is written in Node.

betable javascript jsconf

Will Faught

1 minute

February 2008

Rasmus Lerdorf Comes To Town

Rasmus Lerdorf, the inventor of the programming language PHP, came to Cal Poly yesterday to give a two-hour lecture on PHP and related web technologies. I didn’t know anything about him, but I was pleased to find he’s a very intelligent, pragmatic, and humorous person. He spoke at length about the transition of PHP into an open source project, the evolution of the language, and some security and performance topics that I found very interesting.

cal poly javascript languages life php programming rasmus lerdorf reflections web yahoo yui

Will Faught

1 minute
