
Will Faught

April 2011

New York Times Pay Wall

I tapped to look at the subscription information in the NYTimes iPad app. Apparently, one can save either $19 or $34 at the same time when paying $0.99 for either digital access plan. What is this, non-deterministic saving? Neither digital access plan interests me. I have no problem paying $5 per week for quality news coverage, but not letting me use their apps on all my devices is a deal breaker.

ideas ipad new york times opinions paywall

Will Faught

1 minute

September 2010

Owning Films

I was just looking at my film collection and realized that I never want to own another film. I’ll eventually sell off most of them, except for my favorites that I can watch a hundred times and still love. If I want to watch a film, I can just queue it on Netflix and have it within days. If I have the urge to watch a film immediately, I can rent it on iTunes or Amazon for just a few dollars and start watching it immediately.

amazon apple tv ipad iphone itunes kindle movies netflix technology

Will Faught

1 minute

May 2010

I Got An IPad

On one hand, my smartphone has a touch screen and fits in my pocket, and on the other, my laptop has a physical keyboard and a large screen. Apple’s iPad brings together the strengths of both, except for the superior typing provided by laptops. Somewhere between these two lies Apple’s iPad, which provides the immediacy, simplicity, and tactile interaction of a smartphone, and the size, complexity, and greater expressiveness of a laptop.

apple ipad life

Will Faught

4 minutes
