
Will Faught

July 2011

Short Term Health Insurance

Are you in between jobs and looking for basic health insurance? The kind of insurance that you’re looking for is short term health insurance. Just had to get some myself.


Will Faught

1 minute

Symptoms Of Stress, Anxiety, And Depression

During the past several years, I experienced a variety of symptoms caused by stress, anxiety, and depression caused by my academic studies and thesis. Physical symptoms: Blurred vision Heart palpitations Chest pain Numbness Twitches Teeth grinding Ear pain (temporomandibular joint disorder) Weight loss Dizziness Exhaustion Panic attacks Mental symptoms: Insomnia Irritability Moodiness Agitation Loneliness Detachment Introversion Impaired memory Impaired focus Impaired cognition Bad judgment Behavioral symptoms: Procrastination Nervous habits Excessive sleeping There are others that I won’t mention.

anxiety depression fyi stress thesis

Will Faught

1 minute

June 2011

What Kind Of Thing Is That?

Have you ever wondered, “What kind of thing is that?” I use Wikipedia to answer that question all the time. You can even use Wikipedia to find similar things that share the same category. What kind of thing is a senate? Well, apparently it’s a legislature. Did you know that a tricameral legislature is also a kind of legislature, and that there was a Tricameral Parliament in South Africa until 1994?

fyi ideas opinions

Will Faught

1 minute

Slipping Shoelaces? Crooked Bows?

Apparently, I’ve been tying my shoes incorrectly all my life. I’ve been tying the granny knot, which comes untied easily and tends to be oriented toe-to-heel instead of side-to-side. I tie my shoelaces right over left, then right loop over left loop. Fortunately, it’s easy to correct: reverse the first step. For me, I have to do left over right, then right loop over left loop. Do they take away your kindergarten diploma for this?

fyi interesting

Will Faught

1 minute

April 2011

Radio Jargon

I watched Aliens today. In the scene where the ship is dropping to the planet below, the pilot says over the radio, “In the pipe. Five by five.” I realized that despite having seen this film several times, I had no idea what she meant, other than some general notion of well-being. My curiosity was piqued, so I looked around online and discovered that by “in the pipe,” she meant the ship was following the correct course, and by “five by five,” she meant her radio transmission quality was perfect.

fyi jargon radio

Will Faught

2 minutes
