Things to avoid in modern games.
How Unicode Country Flags Work
How do you encode politically-contentious country flags?
All the ways in which you’re wrong about Unicode.
The game that lets you play it only once.
Server-To-Server Authentication Schemes
A tour of motivations, techniques, strengths, and weaknesses.
Metrics for understanding request-driven program performance.
Use session tokens instead.
The numbers of how things affect the release of dopamine.
Data-Driven Software Interviews
Software interviews suck, but they don’t have to.
Lots of things got worse.
Open Letter To Pause AI Experiments
All of a sudden, the consequences of technology are a problem.
Theodore Roosevelt on success.
Theodore Roosevelt on critics.
What they are, and how they work.
The blurb for my old blog.
A letter written by a father to his daughter about his most important truth.
An interview with an Agile Coach.
The Mythical Corset Oppression
It turns out that women know what they’re doing when they dress themselves.