Sell Your IPhone To People

Will Faught

1 minute

You make a lot more money selling your old iPhone to people than to businesses like Gazelle if the phone is in good condition. I just sold my iPhone 5 for $320 to someone I met through Craigslist at a Starbucks near my home. Gazelle would have given me $170. That’s almost double!

This was my process: I searched Craigslist for similar phones to learn roughly what the price should be ($300), then added $100 in case that was too low. I listed it on Craigslist, and then every time I had to renew the ad (every few days), I subtracted $20 (I only accept cash, and most people either have twenties or hundreds on hand). I was down to $340 when the buyer contacted me. He asked how flexible I was on the price, then asked if I would accept $300. I countered with $320 and he accepted. Easy.
