Epic Comeback


Will Faught

2 minutes

From Wikipedia:

Umehara started becoming famous internationally from the YouTube video clips of his match in the Losers bracket final in Evolution Championship Series 2004’s Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike competition where he made a dramatic comeback against Justin Wong’s Chun-Li. In the final round of match 1, Umehara’s Ken was down to his last pixel of vitality. At this point, any special attack would knock Umehara’s character out if connected, since special attacks deal chip damage even when blocked. In an attempt to win the round, Wong attempted to hit Umehara’s Ken with Chun-Li’s multihit Super Art move Houyoku-sen. However, instead of avoiding it, Umehara chose to “Parry,” a technique whereby an incoming attack is blocked without the player losing any health, but by doing so requires moving toward opponent’s direction in the same time a hit lands, within four of thirty frames of the impact animation. After the move was launched, not only were all 15 hits parried, but Umehara also managed to get into a good position to make a powerful attacking combo that knocked Chun-Li out instead. This moment, and the ecstatic cheering of the spectators that followed, was recorded and later spread on the Internet, gaining immense popularity. In 2011, Kotaku ranked it first place in its list of “The 10 Best Moments in Pro-Gaming History”. The excitement of the cheering audience is palpable. Quite thrilling!
