David Card, Wheelchair M.D.


Will Faught

2 minutes

I just stumbled across a seattlepi.com article about Dr. David Card, who was my primary care doctor in Seattle:

On the first day of school at St. Francis University in Pennsylvania, where he would graduate third in his class on his way to med school at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, a crowd of students watched from a window as Card wheeled up to a staircase leading down to his classroom. There were no ramps, but that was no problem.

Card wheeled down the stairs like he’d taught himself to do years before, when his parents announced they would make their home handicap accessible and Card – whose bedroom was on the second floor – wouldn’t allow it.

“Doing so would make me feel handicapped,” he said. “So I learned how to grab the handrails and pull myself up the stairs by myself.”

These days, Card drives to work in a red Eclipse convertible. Parking at handicapped spaces still gets him dirty looks. “I guess it’s because I’m not driving a minivan with a lift,” he said.

He’s such a great doctor. I’m so thankful that my chiropractor referred me to him. I didn’t really think much about the wheelchair or the story behind it before this, but I think it’s fascinating and inspiring. I was sorry I couldn’t take him with me when I moved away.
