Will Do
Thoughts on technology, the world, and life.

New York Times Pay Wall

I tapped to look at the subscription information in the NYTimes iPad app. Apparently, one can save either $19 or $34 at the same time when paying $0.99 for either digital access plan. What is this, non-deterministic saving? Neither digital access plan interests me. I have no problem paying $5 per week for quality news coverage, but not letting me use their apps on all my devices is a deal breaker. It’s on them to pay the up-front cost of making those apps. After that initial investment is made, all they have to do is write the articles and let the weekly bills roll in. Dividing access to their content across multiple devices into separate plans is a pathetic attempt to create artificial value. We see though it, NYT, we’re not idiots. There needs to be two plans: one for print, and one for digital, and you can subscribe to both if you want. The digital content shouldn’t have ads if I’m paying for it. Welcome to the digital age: we like it cheap and straight up. No more paying thrice for our content: money for the content, eyeballs for the ads, and our personal information for yourselves and your advertisers. Apple, lead us to salvation!
