Thoughts on technology, the world, and life.

Wake Up

My sleep schedule was shifted back by about three hours for a couple weeks following my Nicaragua trip. I woke up wide awake at about 6 a.m. and I felt sleepy at about 11 p.m. I’m now back to my regular night owl hours. I’ve traveled to other time zones before, but this was unprecedented. I think my trip caused it, but I don’t know how.

I was amazed at how easy it was to get out of bed when I woke up wide awake. It’s usually very difficult for me. It’s no wonder morning people—people who wake up wide awake—can do it so easily. There’s nothing to it. Late risers should be lauded for the hardship they face at the crack of every dawn. I hereby retract all guilt and apologies for rising late over the years. Morning people: be content that you have it easy, and leave us late risers in peace.

It’s not breakfast that’s the most important meal of the day—it’s the first.
