.net announcements devdiv life microsoft mike shim rob relyea xaml

Will Faught

1 minute

My place in Microsoft is within the Developer Division (DevDiv), which makes tools for programmers. Among various things, DevDiv produces a free set of tools called the .NET Framework, and the .NET Framework provides a technology called XAML (pronounced zammel). XAML is a software language that allows programmers to write down complex operations in simple text, and then it performs those operations for them. It’s what I work on.

My division recently released a preview version of the next planned release of our Visual Studio product. My team has contributed a lot of changes to XAML that will be part of this next release, and two people I work closely with—Rob Relyea and Mike Shim—were recently interviewed about the work we’ve done. I thought it might be interesting to get a glimpse of what I work on and with whom I work.
