Thesis Detox

home life reflections stress thesis

Will Faught

2 minutes

It’s been so great to be home these past few weeks. Before I came here I was working on my thesis every day, worrying about it, stressed out, cranky, crazy. That’s no way to live. For the first couple weeks back I didn’t really think about the work much and it was heaven. I can’t believe how much stress can take over your life and make you miserable. I should probably look into ways of dealing with my stress, because I was not going about it in a healthy way. At one point I was waking up at 4 PM and falling asleep at 6 AM with the help of sleeping pills, for crying out loud! Graduate school is indeed not for the faint of heart.

Now I’m looking into the future and Microsoft is staring back at me. Now I have to resume my work until it’s finished for good. I was waiting around for feedback from my adviser for a long time and every one thought it sucked, but truthfully I didn’t mind much because it meant I could put off the work a little longer. Now I have feedback for my introduction and I groan at the prospect of wading through all the tedious bullshit. They keep telling me the degree is worth it. It’s worth it. It’s worth it. It’s worth it?
