Graduation Snuck Up On Me

graduation kung fu panda life michelle lee movie reflections

Will Faught

1 minute

I can’t believe graduation came and went already, it all happened so fast. I was so focused on my thesis work that I barely lifted my head to watch the date approach. It’s weird to go through the ceremony and celebrate with friends and family knowing that I’m not really done, that there’s more work to do. But I feel close, I think there’s only a few weeks left before I’m done. The end seemed to keep slipping out of my grasp. I wonder if it will be easier or harder to focus on my work with my roommate moved away for the summer and my other house mates gone for the week?

I snuck in a movie this weekend while my parents were here. I saw Kung Fu Panda with Michelle, and we both loved it. Go and see it, it’s hilarious!
