Out For The Count

back bus class life stories threw

Will Faught

1 minute

I threw my back out in class today. I sat down and felt something go. I’m writing this with only my left hand, so I’ll be brief. Ouch! How old am I? God. I can hardly move without sending a spasm of pain down my back.

Okay, I just slowly and painfully and switched into a crossed-legged sitting position that feels pretty good on my back, once I settled into it, so now I can type with two hands.

I had only ten minutes to catch the bus after my class ended and I barely made it. I couldn’t even stand up straight. The highest I could bend was about halfway. I tried to walk that way, but I gave up because it hurt too much and I figured I looked ridiculous. It was so embarrassing. I figured out that I could run pretty well bent forward like that, and it probably looked somewhat normal, so I used that to get most of the way to the bus stop near Mott Gym. I spent the rest of the evening crouching and hobbling around my living room and kitchen like a hunchback, using furniture and tables and banisters as crutches, and lying on the couch watching TV.

I’m hideous! Look away!
