I visited Aunt Deb and Uncle Ron last weekend at their home in Sequim, WA. It was so great to see them again; it had been a while since the last time. I got to take the ferry from Edmonds to Kingston across the sound on the way. The deep blue water was flat and still, and the sky was a lighter blue and dappled with thin, wispy clouds. Some seagulls that were following the ferry at about the same speed were flying just above the top deck where I stood. They appeared to be floating in front of, and just above, me. I got some pictures of them that I really like. One of them was brave enough to land only a couple feet away from me on a banister.
After the ferry I passed through gently rolling hills and lush forests, and toward the end along the sound shoreline. Sequim lies on flat, verdant land between tall mountains and sea bluffs. I was amazed at how much of the area you can see from the flat land. My aunt and uncle’s house lies at the base of a steep hill on the edge of the valley. Driving less than a minute up their hill, you can see most of the area laid out beneath you.
Their house, which they built themselves, is amazing. The kitchen was my favorite room, which I think is true of most of their guests, but the house as a whole has a great feel to it. I love the open spaces, where rooms are separated and shaped more by small walls and supports.
Aunt Deb cooked a delicious salmon dinner the night I arrived, and afterward we went to a choir and band show at the high school, which was very good. The next day they showed me around Sequim and bought me a few gifts of warm clothes to help me survive the coming winter.
It was a great trip. More pictures.